Nine Ritual Ideas for the New Moon to Help You Reset and Renew

Resets are important for our wellbeing. They are a reminder to unplug, recharge, and get back to basics. The new moon is an ideal time for rituals because it’s a time of darkness, so the light that follows feels even more powerful. These rituals can be as simple or as complicated as you like. You might choose just one and repeat it over several new moons or you might decide to incorporate all nine of these rituals into your life over the coming months, picking one a week or every two weeks or whenever you feel the need to reset and renew again. Each of these rituals will help you achieve balance in yin and yang, light and dark, and also bring balance to your life in other ways too…

Dark Exploration Ritual

The dark exploration ritual is all about unplugging, getting back to basics and connecting with yourself, your surroundings and nature, and your soul in darkness. This ritual is all about shutting out the light and embracing the darkness. This ritual is not about shutting off completely and becoming a hermit, but more about allowing yourself to shut out some of the light in your life and to embrace the dark. There are various ways in which you can try this ritual. You could shut off your phone and other devices that emit light, and go outside at night, into a forest, or to the beach. You might also try sleeping in total darkness, or in a space that is not lit by artificial light.

Self-Care Ritual

The self-care ritual is all about taking time out to give yourself the love and attention you need, and to show yourself that you are important. It is about taking time out for yourself, for your health, for your wellbeing, for your soul. The self-care ritual can be as simple or as complicated as you want it to be. You might try to incorporate all or some of these suggestions into your own self-care ritual:

- Try to get into a consistent sleep pattern, and try to get 7-9 hours of sleep a night.

- Eat a balanced diet and try to eat 3 meals a day.

- Try to exercise regularly.

- Meditate or practice mindfulness.

- Journal as a form of self-exploration.

- Talk to a friend, family member, or a therapist if needed.

- Try to reduce the amount of stress in your life.

- Try to find some time each day to do something that you enjoy.

Morning Sun Ritual

The morning sun ritual is all about opening your senses and connecting with the new sun that is rising each day. It is a ritual that will help you to awaken your senses and shift your energy from the night to the day.

- Open your windows and let the sun stream in.

- Meditate with the rising sun.

- Journal about your experiences with the rising sun.

- Take a walk outside with the rising sun and breathe in the fresh, new, morning air.

- Try to incorporate all your senses and really immerse yourself in the experience.

- Connect with nature as the sun rises.

- Spend time with friends, family, or your significant other.

- Try to see the positive in the new day, and focus on the day ahead.

- Try to remain optimistic and hopeful for the future, and think about what you would like to achieve today.

Earth Cleansing Ritual

The earth cleansing ritual is all about unplugging, and cleaning out the old and toxic from your life, and cleansing yourself and your energy, so that you can start the new moon with a clean slate.

- Journal your thoughts and feelings about the old, toxic, and negative.

- Journal any negative thoughts you have had about yourself or your life, or anything you feel is holding you back.

- Write down anything that you feel needs to be released from your life or that you want to let go of.

- Journal or write down anything that you feel needs to be cleansed or healed.

- Write down anything that you need to let go of and release from your life.

- Journal or write down anything that you need to cleanse from your life or yourself.

Labyrinth walk ritual

The labyrinth walk ritual is all about clearing your mind and resetting your thoughts, so that you can start the new moon with a clear mind, ready to think about your goals, and ready to focus on the present and the future.

- If you don’t have a labyrinth nearby, or you can’t find one, you can always use an app like the Insight Timer or Calm to play the sound of a labyrinth on your phone.

- Alternatively, if you don’t want to use an app, you can always try using a recording of the ocean, or the sound of a brook, or simply the sound of silence.

Gentle Movement Ritual

The gentle movement ritual is all about reconnecting with your body and boosting your energy, so that you can start the new moon with a fresh, positive outlook on life. It is about choosing a form of exercise you enjoy, whether that be yoga, pilates, tai chi, or something else.

- Journal about the movement you have done.

- Journal about how you feel after the most gentle movement you have chosen.

- Journal about how you feel after the most gentle movement you have chosen.

Gratitude Ritual

The gratitude ritual is all about reflecting on your life to date, examining the positive aspects of your life, and appreciating everything that you have. It is a way of resetting your energy, and shifting your focus towards the positive, and away from the negative.

- Journal about the things you are grateful for.

- Journal about the positive aspects of your life.

- Look back at your journal from the last new moon and see how far you’ve come.

- Look back at your journal from the last new moon and see how far you’ve come.

- Shift your focus on what you have and appreciate what you have in your life.

Journaling Ritual

The journaling ritual is all about reflecting on your life to date, and shifting your focus towards the positive, and away from the negative. It is a way of resetting your energy, and shifting your focus towards the positive, and away from the negative.

- Journal about the things you are grateful for.

- Journal about the positive aspects of your life.

- Look back at your journal from the last new moon and see how far you’ve come.

- Look back at your journal from the last new moon and see how far you’ve come.

- Shift your focus on what you have and appreciate what you have in your life.

- Journal about your future goals and aspirations.


This list of nine rituals is just a selection of ideas and rituals that you can try if you are feeling like you want to try a reset or want to incorporate resets into your life, or if you want to try and incorporate more rituals into your life. And, really, you can use these rituals and ideas as you see fit, and you can come up with your own rituals too if you want to. The important thing is that you find a ritual or two that works for you, that you enjoy, and that you can incorporate easily into your life.


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